Tuesday, November 29, 2011

The route back to Abilene

This is the last part of the trip back to Abilene from Yuma Az.

The whole trip was over 8850 miles from start to finish + detours.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Videos from the road.

 Huge Cactus!!!

White Sands National Park.

Tuscon - Los Cruces - Roswell - Lubbock !!!

24th - 27th Nov

On the road back to Texas after a nice stop for Thanksgiving....

Random pictures ....

Road pics from I 10 - 281 miles zzzz to Los Cruces

Spot the wind up VW...

Beautiful pink mountains bathed in sunset....

Left Los Cruses and onto Roswell via White Sands National Park... Fantastic place ...

"Rising from the heart of the Tularosa Basin is one of the world's great natural wonders - the glistening white sands of New Mexico. Here, dunes have engulfed 275 square miles creating the world's largest gypsum desert"

Amazing clean white sand dunes, spot the 'dots' they are people on the dunes and mountains surround the area, it is also white sands missile testing !!! The largest in USA

We drove from White Sands (4.000ft above sea level) through Cloudcroft - (8.500ft above sea level)

Sand to SNOW all in a 16 mile drive up hill!!!
If there are pine trees in the picture its snow otherwise it's gypsum. No prizes for the smart a---e who gets it right.

Onward to Roswell - it has changed so much since we came last time, this is the place where the aliens supposedly landed, and were shipped to Area 51!!!

But we had a lovely room/suite in Roswell - no aliens!!!!

On the way to Lubbock Texas - high prairies ie NOTHING!!! Huge skies and cattle ranches, surprisingly cotton fields and long straight roads.....

Last night on the road, back to Aunt Rites tomorrow:)

We have had an amazing road trip - thank you all for following our adventures and your comments xxx

Could you be a bit more explicit. 
Answers on a postcard to your local M.P.

Local corner store in Roswell.

Oh for goodness sake could you put a bend in it to make it more interesting?

For our British viewers, if you go too fast in a big lorry:- all fall down!!!!!

Can some one tell him where the door is he keeps getting lost!

This sign was one of several advising you of sand storms.

The hat says it all!!!!!

He's obviously out, no sign of the sledge or Rudolph! 
Big bin though, I wonder if thats where he puts the reindeer pooh. 
Spot the key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

See the Boss is really the brains, she knows where the doors are. 
This is Las Cruces. Check out the back drop.

Check out the posh room, wish they were all like this.

Oh S---t! Wish there was another road.

No not Star Wars, they are picnic areas.

We looked for the pot of gold, (no luck) but we think it was  the start.
This is sand!!!!!

This is SNOW!!!!!!!
This is the missile testing area obviously you don't get anything back for empties this one is parked in a car park by the road!

Oh for goodness sake he still can't find his way in.

Has anyone seen the car????????

V.W. Tic Toc 100 miles per wind up.
Spot the Alien. If you look carefully you'll see that heis chained to the wall. So not likely to end up in Area 51!!!!!!!! 

Nice polite way to remind you, they have your credit card details. 

More Video's from Apache Trail

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Globe to Tuscon - Arizona

23rd Nov

Still in Arizona - why you ask... Because its WARM!!!!
It's also mainly desert and cactus!!!

Went to Saguaro National Park - last of the cactus pics I promise!!!!

Do find them brilliant - the variety and shapes, they are extremely prickly tho...
The Saguaro shapes are amazing and they grow so tall, like trees, some we are standing next to are over 30ft...
Couple of pics of sunset and the view from our room...

Back on the road tomorrow to Aunt Rite's..... Get the kettle on!!