Thursday, October 28, 2010

Thurman Restaurant- Columbus, Ohio

Pics are very fuzzy, not used to my new i touch camera yet, but you get the picture!!!

Plus it was dark, funny lighting, the waitress had a wobbly hand - excuses excuses!!!

But we had a fabulous time and met some amazing people, shared tips on Bourbon (note to self must try Eagle Rare) shared our 1792 Bourbon with Andrew and John (the lawyer) was totally impressed with the car and our road trips!!

Had a good laugh with several people who like us were first timers to Thurmans and we named ourselves the 'Thurman Virgins'............

John also said he "was happy to lose his cherry to a burger that was that good" !!!!!!!!

You have heard the term 'been there done that got the teeshirt' well we got the teeshirt....

Best to watch the video to get the true picture of a Therminator Burger!!!

The Thurman Burger, Bill couldn't manage a Therminator!!

Managed a Guinness tho..

Of course I found a wine..... I only had the fish dinner aka FEESH and delicious CHIPS vinegar too!!!

We left Lexington in Kentucky in short sleeves for Mr T, skirt and open toe shoes for me, sunshine blue skies and warmth.....

Arrived Columbus, Ohio and it was FREEZING - jeans, coats and heating on in car and room brrrrrrrrrr but the upside - I could wear my Ugg boots YAY they are sooooo cosy and warm:)

Off to Amish land tomorrow and Buffalo the day after aka Niagra....

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