Sunday, October 9, 2011

Rocky Mountains National Park

3rd October

Made it to the National Park via some more stunning scenery, really difficult showing scale of things..

Half way up the mountain we had a puncture!!!!

Oh the embarrassment, we had to empty the trunk (boot) to get to the spare tyre!!!!
Our whole traveling life is in the trunk...

Fortunately a couple helped us..
'Little' John & Aveline from Canada with a student from the Gambia offered to help change the tyre:)

Toaster came out, clothes, food box, wine and Guiness (we had stocked up as it was cheap in Colorado Springs)
Laptop bags, shoes etc etc...

We saw groups of Elk, a young buck and bull who kindly made his mating call for us!!!

The scenery was huge..... And it was cold at 12,100 feet, the drop off the side of the mountain was scary!!

The two halves of the rainbow - couldn't get a whole pic it was too huge!! Plus machine has uploaded them in different places!

Onward across the Wyoming prairie to Wheatlands ....

1 comment:

Haze said...

The scale of the scenery is truly awesome!